This is not helicopter money, since the intention is to reverse the monetary expansion when the economy recovers. 这不是直升机撒钱,因为其意图是在经济复苏的时候逆转货币扩张。
No serious central bank would carry monetary expansion to that level. 任何一个严谨的央行都不会让货币扩张达到这种水平。
The South Sea and Mississippi bubbles of 1720 were related, stoked by deregulation and powerful monetary expansion in England and France. 1720年的南海和密西西比泡沫是相关的,放松管制和在英格兰及法国的强力货币扩张助长了泡沫。
In an era of deficient demand, issuers of reserve currencies adopt monetary expansion and non-issuers respond with currency intervention. 在需求匮乏的时代,储备货币的发行国实施扩张性货币政策,而非发行国则以干预汇率作为回应。
Some economists are concerned about the potential inflationary impact from the pace of monetary expansion. 一些经济学家担忧货币扩张速度对通胀的潜在影响。
Chinese officials rejected calls for a significantly stronger renminbi and criticised western economies for their monetary expansion and zero interest rate policies. 中国官员拒绝了允许人民币大幅升值的要求,并对西方经济体实施货币扩张和零利率政策进行了批评。
Aggressive monetary expansion in a big economy suffering from weak demand and subdued inflation is good for the rest of the world, not bad. 一个需求疲软、通胀率低的大国,大幅采取货币扩张政策对其他各国并非坏事,而是好事。
Monetarists argue fiscal policy is always unnecessary, since monetary expansion does the trick. 货币主义者辩称,由于货币扩张能起到作用,所以财政政策总是没有必要。
After the massive monetary expansion since the end of2008 there is a lot of liquidity sloshing around, potentially putting upward pressure on prices, especially asset prices. 在探讨食品价格上涨的原因时,货币主义的解释比较普遍。经过2008年年底以来的大规模货币扩张之后,充斥着大量的流动性,对物价特别是资产价格形成了潜在的上行压力。
China experienced a similar monetary expansion in the aftermath of the Asia crisis in the late 1990s without suffering high inflation because there was so much idle capacity in the economy. 上世纪90年代后期的亚洲金融危机过后,中国经历过一次类似的货币扩张,但那一次并未导致高通胀的原因在于,中国经济当时存在大量闲置产能。
Monetary expansion was taking place at a rapid pace, and the central bank was likely to take more steps to boost bank lending. 货币正迅速扩张,而央行可能采取进一步措施刺激银行放贷。
If the peg persists, it will not be long before the Swiss feel the effects of monetary expansion in inflation, asset bubbles or both. 如果盯住目标汇率的做法持续下去,瑞士将很快通过通胀或资产泡沫(或两者皆有)的形式,感受到货币扩张的影响。
Monetary expansion specializes and materializes human will and right by means of making subjective value objective so as to turn individual existence into universal existence. 货币扩张通过主观价值客观化而使人由个别的存在进入普遍的存在,使人的意志和权利具体化、物化。
No amount of monetary expansion can solve our current financial problems, but it can make those problems much worse. 无论采取多大规模的货币扩张政策都无法解决我们当前的金融问题,反而会令问题进一步恶化。
To be sure, a large aggregate balance does mean very loose monetary conditions, which may encourage monetary expansion to the extent of generating inflationary pressures. 大的总结馀数额当然代表货币环境极为宽松,可能带动货币增长以致造成通胀压力。
Given the force of the monetary expansion, it is highly likely that the PBoC will have to tighten too much because it left it too late. 考虑到货币扩张的力量,中国央行极有可能不得不过分收紧,因为它下手太晚了。
The third stage occurred as the world underwent rapid monetary expansion and China invested in domestic manufacturing to supply the US's debt-fuelled consumption. 第三个阶段出现时,适逢全球经历快速货币扩张,而中国正投资于国内制造业,以支持美国债务拉动的消费。
With export competitiveness damaged by its soaring currency and pressured by the US to reduce its current account surplus, Japan chose not the needed structural reforms, but a huge monetary expansion, instead. 当初,由于汇率飙升损害了出口竞争力,加之美国强迫其削减经常账户盈余,日本选择了规模巨大的货币扩张,而不是亟需的结构性改革。
Of course, simply trying to stabilise exchange rates without overall monetary expansion as the G7 seems to have proposed is far less helpful. 当然,如果单纯试图稳定汇率而不采取全面货币扩张政策,收效则会小得多七国集团(g7)提出的对策似乎就是这样。
This will require both aggregate fiscal and monetary expansion. 这需要同时实施扩张性的财政政策和货币政策。
An abundance of liquidity in the banking system encourages credit creation and monetary expansion, which may lead to inflation. 银行体系流动资金过多会助长信贷活动及货币增长,继而可能导致通胀。
Deflation& Fiscal Monetary Expansion 通货紧缩与财政货币扩张
As Mckinnon ( 1973) pointed out, most of the developing countries are depressed far from the optimal monetization point, which highlights the importance of monetary reform in helping economy on the effective monetary expansion path. Mckinnon(1973)指出,大多数欠发达国家被压制在远离最优货币化点的地方,使经济走上有效货币扩张路径的货币改革非常必要。
Under sticky price unanticipated monetary expansion will stimulate the investment in the short run and increase the capital stock in the long run, then bring along production and consumption and markedly magnify welfare effects of the expansive monetary policy at last. 在粘性价格时,扩张性货币政策在短期刺激了投资活动,使资本存量出现了长期的增长,从而带动了长期的生产和消费,最终大大加剧了扩张性货币政策的福利效果。
Empirical results indicate that both the descending of foreign real interest rate and a slump of monetary expansion will induce a real depreciation of China's currency. 实证研究结果表明:国外实际利率水平下降,实际货币供应量增长率降低都将引起人民币均衡汇率贬值。
Although with strong monetary expansion, China's economic growth rate slumped and part of money supply flooded into stock market in recent years. 最近几年,中国货币供应量增加较快,但经济增长速度却稳中见降,货币供应的一部分流入股市。
Adopting dynamic general equilibrium method, This paper examines the long-run effects of tariffs, monetary expansion and fiscal policy changes on China's real equilibrium exchange rate after China's joining the WTO. 本文运用动态一般均衡的方法,探讨中国在加入世界贸易组织之后,关税税率调整、货币供应量增长率改变、财政政策调整等措施对实际均衡汇率的长期效应。
Intensified competition and cheap exports brought by economic globalization repress conventional inflation and provide room for monetary expansion policies in the developed countries, especially in the U.S., which hence promote financial inflation. 经济全球化造成的竞争加剧和廉价出口抑制了商品通胀,为发达国家尤其是美国的货币扩张政策提供了空间,后者转而推动了金融膨胀。
Therefore, the monetary expansion may not be an adequate policy. 因此,货币扩张可能不是一种可取的政策。